Since 2018, the school of GS Marie Reine Rwaza has initiated a program of organizing OPEN DAYS two or three times each year.

This event aims at coming back in a festive mood to the achievements and projections of the school in different fields and putting into practice what is learnt theoretically in class lessons.

At the event, are convened students, staff members and some invitees from the school stakeholders.

In general, the OPEN DAY has a specific agenda and topics but in general we do the following:

 Pedagogical related Students presentations according to departments: Sciences, Social sciences and Languages.

 Presentations referring to extra curricula activities in general.  It is also a great opportunity for cordial share between students and the staff members.

Edition 2nd term 2121-22 The Open day took place Wednesday 9th 2022. The activities were articulated as follows:

1. The open day began with the opening speech of the school Headmaster, father NSABIMANA Evariste.

He insisted on the presentation of elements of what we commonly call at school “The phase three of the school development”. These elements are presented in a specific article on this school website.

2. Next was the video presentation of Media club summarizing the Marie Reine TV (M TV) school events news for the first and second terms this academic year.

3. Followed a live products making by the Science Professional Team (a kind of students science club).

The students from this group made liquid soap and mayonnaise. At the end, the honor guests washed their hands with this soap made and tasted the mayonnaise.

An amazing moment! 4. A team of students from social sciences department made two presentations: one was a video documentary film made by students on the topic of “Climate change”.

The second was the presentation of winning entrepreneurship projects selected in the competition previously organized by teachers.

5. Presentation of a documentary by languages club about the effective practice of foreign languages within the students community, challenges and strategiues for improvement.

6. Oral translation by students using four languages respectively: Kinyarwanda-English-French-Swahili.

The performance of this activity by was the one the most exciting moments of the day. 7. Between two presentations was the performance of two cultural and entertainment groups of students:

a modern music performers group named “Bright Future” and the school traditional dancing group ITORERO. 8. At the end were the closing remarks by the headmaster.

9. Finally, there was a meal share in the students’ refectory. At each table, students with a staff member, teaching or administrative.